February 16, 2024 Murmur, created by D. Chase Angier and Jennifer Salk, is a site responsive dance inspired by the unique landscape, art and architecture of Chateau La Co...
As The Air Moves Back From You
As The Air Moves Back From You
May 20, 2017

As The Air Moves Back From You, is a performance installation that began with 10,000 pounds of rice arranged in elaborate designs.

Framing Series
Framing Series
May 20, 2017

Framing Edgewood Farms was the first installment in the series, exhibited in upstate New York, June 2012. Each work in the series asks a different set of questions depending on the site being “framed.”

Letter to the World
Letter to the World
May 20, 2017

Letter to the World was initially inspired by my visceral reaction to Architect / Anthropologist Franco La Cecia’s talk discussing the social impact of architecture and city planning given at the Prague Quadrennial 2011.

May 20, 2017

Liminal is a large-scale, sculptural, and time-based art project that was exhibited at the Fosdick-Nelson Art Gallery.

May 19, 2017

The Waiting Series consists of six image-based works that use distilled movement, evocative music and striking visuals to create an atmosphere inviting audience members to infuse their own experiences into the works.

Funeral Dress Rehearsal
Funeral Dress Rehearsal
May 16, 2017
For D. Chase Angier's 50th birthday, she  decided to lure her friends from far and near to her Funeral Dress Rehearsal. She had attended many funerals and had often thought they c...
May 10, 2017

Circling was an hour-long site specific performance that took place at Foster Lake in Alfred, New York. The audience was led in silence at a pace that was designed to enhance their experience; taking in the sounds and smells, as well as the sights.

Dreams of the Other Side
Dreams of the Other Side
May 6, 2017

A guided, performative event, Dreams of the Other Side unfolded in the woods, marshes, and on a lake surrounding the audience during the height of fall foliage season.


Angier Performance Works are large-scale performances for visual art and theatre venues as well as public sites. These intuitively driven works are created by D. Chase Angier in collaboration with dynamic artists across disciplines, and have been exhibited nationally and internationally.
