Letter to the World I
Letter to the World was initially inspired by my visceral reaction to Architect / Anthropologist Franco La Cecia’s talk discussing the social impact of architecture and city planning given at the Prague Quadrennial 2011. The despair I felt, as he discussed a current trend of architecture which opts for increasing virtual connections with the outside world within each individual apartment over creating public squares or places for the public to gather, initiated these collaborative projects with Marketa Fantova and Evelyne Leblanc-Roberge. Letter to the World I – a dance theater work, and Letter to the World II – a video and live performance event in the Elks Lodge. Letter to the World III was performed at World Stage Design in Cardiff, Wales in three alternative sites. Letter to the World IV was exhibited at The Sunday School Space as part of the Compartmented exhibition. Letter to the World V is currently in process.