Happy Dances I

Site Specific Performance
New York
Choreographed by D. Chase Angier
Performed by Alfred University Students, set by Marketa Fantova’s students
Music by Ohio Players, Parliament
Happy Dances 1 was a site-specific event that included 25 performers, over 100 audience members that became participants, and a fire truck. The music was played loudly from a car stereo as dancers performed in the windows, and other areas surrounding the audience. Flashing lights from the fire truck and audience held flashlights provided the light. The piece concluded with a spontaneous dance party that went well into the night.
Happy Dances II
Happy Dances II was performed outside in the rain nonstop for six hours. Each participant danced alone or with friends to their favorite song wearing clothing that made them happy within a cheeky environment of balloons, astroturf and a mini trampoline. Audience members could watch while they waited for their turn. On the hour, every hour dancers performed a three-minute high-energy dance choreographed by D. Chase Angier to Barbra Streisand.